martes, 27 de abril de 2010

American revolution video ( Animated ) enjoy !



John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American politician and political philosopher and the second President of the United States (1797–1801), after being the first Vice President of the United States (1789–1797) for two terms. He was one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States.
Adams came to prominence in the early stages of the American Revolution. As a delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress, he played a leading role in persuading Congress to adopt the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776. As a representative of Congress in Europe, he was a major negotiator of the eventual peace treaty with Great Britain, and chiefly responsible for obtaining important loans from Amsterdam bankers.

Influence in Boston Massacre :

n 1770, a street confrontation resulted in British soldiers killing five civilians in what became known as the Boston Massacre. The soldiers involved, who were arrested on criminal charges, had trouble finding legal counsel. Finally, they asked Adams to defend them. Although he feared it would hurt his reputation, he agreed. Six of the soldiers were acquitted. Two who had fired directly into the crowd were charged with murder but were convicted only of manslaughter.
As for Adams's payment, Chinard alleges that one of the soldiers, Captain Thomas Preston, gave Adams a symbolic "single guinea" as a retaining fee, the only fee he received in the case. However, David McCullough states in his biography of Adams that he received nothing more than a retainer of eighteen guineas. Adams's own diary confirms that Preston paid an initial ten guineas and a subsequent payment of eight was "all the pecuniary Reward I ever had for fourteen or fifteen days labour, in the most exhausting and fatiguing Causes I ever tried.
Despite his previous misgivings, Adams was elected to the Massachusetts General Court (the colonial legislature) in June 1770, while still in preparation for the trial.

Boston Massacre

To supress the riot English send like 4000 troops to control the riots , a group of colonists threw snowballs to soldiers that where guarding a custom house , the soldiers responded badly by firing the crowd.

* people didnt like soldiers , they killed 5 colonists in total .
* This was called the Boston Massacre , dated March 15th 1772

By 1773 colonists had comitees of correspondance this created colonial unity , the parliament backed down and took the troops back to England .

Within all British soldiers were tiral defended by John Adams a colonist in which helped so that the charges were removed , at the end only 2 soldiers had to respond to consequences , in which they had to whore a band on their thumb showing that they had comiteed murder .

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

The Protests

In response to the many taxes, colonists reacted with protest. These protests took many forms, intelectual protests, economic boycotts and violent intimidation. While intellectual and important figures in the colonie's politics protested through intelectual protests like articles in newspapers, commoners opted for economical boycotts refusing to buy anything with tax on it.
A radical named Patrick Henry wanted to write a document called the Virginia Resolve which carriead a number of radical ideas. The Virginia House of Burgeses accepted all but two of these resolves.
Then, two sides in the colonies were started to be formed: The Patriots, against the stamp act, and The Loyalists, favoring the crown.
When violent intimidation arose, these surges were particularly violent in Boston were houses of important loyalists, like the governor's , were rallied and burned , the king started to send troops to stop crowds. 9 colonies sent delegates to the stamp act congress. Members of this congress treated matters such as boycotts and non-importation agreements both of wic threatened the congress. In the end the colonists managed to achieve the withrawal of all taxes with the price that now law gave parlament the right to tax colonists...

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


John Lokes 's ideas on liberty was a great influence the political thinking behind the revolution; for example, his theory of the "social impact" implied that among humanity's natural rights was the right of the people to kick out political leader, should those leaders betray the historic The rights of English men. In terms of writing state and national constitutions, the Americans used Montesquieu's analysis of the "balanced" British Constitution.

A great idea on this revolution was the idea of republicanisim which was an idea dominant in the colonies by 1775 , Republicanisim was an inspirtation from the country party on England which English enphatised or said that corruption was a terrible reality that had to be afronted on England.

Americans feared the corruption was crossing the Atlantic; the commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their rights, energized the revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt and hostile to American interests.

An important fact to this revolution was also the Founding Fathers in which were strong influences to republicanisim ideas , this Founding Fathers were Samuel Adams , Patrick Henry , George Washington , Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin John Adams,Thomas Jefferson James Madison and Alexander Hamilton .

Women also formed an important paper in the Revolution because they were instructed to theach there children about republican ideas.
It was also believed that the religion of Puritanisim had an influence on the new ideas of republicanisim .

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

The Start of a Revolution

The revolution began in 1763 when the French threat to the colonies had already ended. The Indian-French war had costed a lot of money to Britain and the colonists were not paying a single coin in taxes for their protection. Since the crown was left in debt Britain was in need to apply a number of taxes to the colonists in order for them to pay for their own protection. New taxes such as the Sugar Act and the Quartering Act were already irritating the colonists it was however the Stamp Act, the first direct tax on the colonists, the one that would make protest to explode. Not only were the colonists enraged by the incredibly high taxes but more of the fact that they had to pay taxes without having the right for representation in the parliament or the right to vote. This was puzzling for the parliament for every single english men and countrymen had to pay taxes but only one fourth could actually vote.

French-Indian War (for the rock fans)

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Introduction to the American Revolution

Greetings dear readers , we thank you for visiting our page , we will talk to you about a very quite interesting topic in which is about the American Revolution .
First we will start by introducing you with a little introduction to the main history of the American Revolution .
The American Revolution was an upheal that happened on the half of the 18th Century in which thirteen colonies of North America joined together to break free from the British rule and comandment combining to form the United States of America , we recomend you as a reader to hold yourself tight and get ready to make your imagination fly away with this interesting story of Freedom and Courage join us and read more...