martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Colonists took action

Fortunetly for the Massachussets colony other colonies also took action , they viewed British as a thread for Freedom . Delegates from each colony met in Philadelphia . The First Continental Congress included important figures like Patrick Henry , he said the famous quote " give me liberty or give me freedom " he also set up a very important factor for Independence in which was unification he also mentioned new ideals in which talked about being an American that their was no more distinction from being a New Yorker , Virginian ect.....

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

WAR IS ON!: Battle of Lexington and Concord

The Brittish army was the most powerful of its time, why should they fear a revolution? After all, the only thing you needed to win this war was to capture their leaders and destroy the few weapons they had left.
The plan was to mobilize the troops to Lexington to capture Adams and Hancock and to Concord to rid the colonists of their weapon supplies and ammunition. Now, these plans were supposed to be secret, even to the Brittish soldiers. However colonists spies managed to adquire the info on the attack. Paul Revere along with William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott rode to warn of the colonist attack. Paul Revere managed to reach Lexington and warn Sam Adams and John Hancock so they could escape.

"Paul Revere's Night Ride"

At Lexington the Brittish instead of finding the Adams and Hancock they found an improvised militia waiting for them. The minutemen(called like that for they said they could be ready to fight in less than a minute) were greatly outnumbered and had to disperse at the Brittish' orders. Howerver, someone shot their rifle and the Brittish in defense shot back killing 8 colonists and succeeding in dispersing th colonists.

"Continental Minuteman"

At Concord the colonists had more time to assemble and prepare for the attack. The Brittish knew that taking Concord was crucial. If they controlled the Concord Bridge they would stop the colonists' comunications and seize their upheaval.
What the Brittish found at Concord was not the same as in Lexington. They found an outnumbering army of colonial militia ready to attack. And so they did.
Not only did the colonists won that battle, they nearly obliterated the Brittish forcing them to retreat back to Boston. This epic April 18th would be known as "The Sot Heard All Over the World" for what the colonists had accomplished. A bunch of inexpirienced farmers had defeated a highly skilled and the most powerful army men of the world, the Brittish Troopers. This, was the start of the War for Independance!

"Bring it On Lobbies!"

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

The life of a soldier has never been easy . In this American Revolution war , 2 main armys fought the English army and the colonial militia also knowned by this name . their where many differences and similarities on the both sides of the armies.


Both had war tactics .

Both had uniforms as a demonstration of Diciplinity and Honor to their country.

Both fought for the same piece of land .

Both had horses and muskets .


English army had redcoat uniform in wich made them a clear blank from far distances away .

Colonial Militia didnt had uniforms they were more an improvised army.

English soldiers had the war tactic of standing in rows to fire and a front row by there knees.

Colonial soldiers fought from what they learned from the British army and from what they learned from the natives in wich was more valuable .

British soldiers went on wars to avoid jail , or because the good pay it offered .

Colonial militia fought from true patriotisim and bravery.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

The troopers !

The troopers had to be ready for action , they had to be mentalized that war was harda and tough and once they accepted going to war they had to be willing to be ready to give their lifes for their country , in this case we bring you a video that shows you how cruel and sad war was , from the movie the Patriot with the song The trooper in whcih says in its lyrics the cruelty red coats and colonists had to fight .
Red coats was the name given to the English troops , because of their strong recognized red army uniform , usually revolutionary colonists were recognized with a blue uniform .

Colonists Took actions

As obvious it can appear this " Intolerable acts " had a radical reaction on the colonists in which realized that they couldnt handle any more the fact they were to be controlled by British troops and Justice courts to be the point of income to the british , Fortunetly for Masachussetts that was in deep suffering and indignation the other colonies took action they started to have the point of view that British where a thread to their freedom .
Delegates from each colony met in Philadelfia . They made the first continetal congress in which included Patrick Henry here he said the famous quote " give me liberty or give me death . This brought unification between colonies , they joined in the same colony to get their freedom back by whichever means necessary this included George Washingtons idea of independance.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Intolerable Acts

The Intolerable Acts, as called by the colonists, were the response of the Brittish parliament to the Boston Tea Party and the various protests. These Intolerable Acts were five:

The BostonPort Act: This closed the Boston Port till the East India Company was paid for the lost tea. This created many difficulties for people whose lives and work depended on the Port.

Massachusetts Government Act: This act removed the Massachusetts Charter to lose alot of its independant self government. This angered the colonists for they were very proud of their independance from te crowd and the taking of that independance was an outrage.

Administration of Justice Act: The tird act stated that Brittish Officers accused of crime were to be taken to England to be put on trial. This was a measure by the Brittish to prevent the officers to be unfairly judged. However colonists interpreted this as a way for Brittich officers to escape crimes.

The Quartering Act: This stated that Brittish soldiers were allowed to be quartered in colonist building, including colonists omes if there was no space in other buildings.

The Quebec Act: This act extended the area of the province of Quebec. Quebec was the only province without representatives and this made the Brittish look like they wanted to extend their power over the colonies.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

The Boston Tea Party

After the multiple violent protests and the product boycotts colonists finally succeeded in getting the crown to remove all taxes in 1770. All taxes but one: tea. This actually acted in favor of the prices of the tea. English tea had never been cheaper. However boycotts continued, colonists buying only German tea which was more expensive. Eventually, colonists realized they needed a public protest that showed they wouldn't give up on their ideals and principles, a public example.

In 1773 a cargo ship full of Brittish tea arrived Boston. The night before the arrival, a group of colonists led by Samuel Adams, called the Sons of Liberty, had a meeting discussing on the execution of the protest. December 16th, the ship arrived. The group of men who were dressed as Indians demanded access to the ship. They used their tomahawks to open trunks containing the tea. They then threw the tea off board into the Boston Harbor, 342 trunks. The disguises aside from being symbolic also worked to hide the identity of the colonists so the governor could not apprehend any of the participants.

King George and the Parliament were enraged, this act of disobedience couldn't be accepted. They would then impose a set of rules called the intolerable acts.